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Monthly Puzzle

March Puzzle: Mediocre Mother-Tongue Marching Band Madness

Four people who are part of a marching band (see what I did there) are lined up front-to-back. Each of them has a unique instrument (Tuba, Trumpet, Trombone or Drum) and level of skill (Good, Okay, Mediocre or Bad). They also each have a unique language in which they feel most comfortable communicating (Italian, Mandarin, Scottish Gaelic and Egyptian Arabic). From the following statements, match each position in the line with the right instrument, language and skill-level:

1. One of the instrument-names is loaned from a native language of one of the speakers. That speaker is further to the back than the one playing the instrument loaned from their language.

2. The speaker of the language which places verbs before subjects in declarative sentences is two places in front of the okay player.

3. The speaker of Italian is either at the front of the line or the good player.

4. The speaker that expresses the interrogative through verb morphology is the mediocre player.

5. The trumpet player isn’t good at playing.

6. The speaker of the language with the most speakers is standing directly in front of the trombone player.

7. Of the two speakers of languages that lack adpositions inflected for person, one plays the drum and the other stands at the back of the line.

Know the answers? Then send an email to with each trait correctly matched to the right position and (if you’re the first to do so correctly) you may win a special prize! You have until March 32nd April 1st to send your answers!