On this page, you’ll find some information about the workgroups that work with the board to run T.W.I.S.T.. Being in a workgroup can be a fun way to really get to know some of your fellow students! Besides that, it is also very fun to be part of a workgroup, you acquire skills that you won’t learn anywhere else and you get to know yourself better. They are generally less intensive and meet less often than committees. Would you like to sign up for a workgroup, or maybe even more than one? Let us know by sending an email to bestuur@studieverenigingtwist.nl!
This workgroup is wants to overhaul the current T.W.I.S.T. Anthem, writing and producing a new version that is more up-to-date. This workgroup will most likely not exist for longer than a year.
Workgroup members 2024-2025:
Member: Elena Lago
Member: Hayat Gassaloglu
Board Member: Zoë Klunder
Connectie is dedicated to working on and maintaining the back-end of T.W.I.S.T.’s technology, primarily the website, email and files.
Workgroup members 2024-2025:
Member: Dmitry Zhemerov
Member: Klára Vydrová
Member: Sjors Neijens
Board Member: Matea Haverlík
At Regulatie members look over T.W.I.S.T.’s legal documents (statutes, IR, privacy policy, etc.), looking for loopholes, mistakes or outdated policy, and making suggestions to the board about how to fix these things.
Workgroup members 2024-2025:
Member: Horea-Ștefan Marinescu
Member: Ignacy Walczak
Member: Ossian Horváth
Board Member: Sytze Krom