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On this page, you’ll find some information about the committees that are tasked with organising T.W.I.S.T.’s activities. Being in a committee can be a fun way to really get to know some of your fellow students! Besides that, it is also very fun to be part of a committee, you acquire skills that you won’t learn anywhere else and you get to know yourself better.
It generally takes up between two and five hours a week of your time, but how dedicated you are as a committee member is up to you (and depends on the committee). There are also ‘peak committees’, like the ConferenCie and VakanCie. These committees organize bigger activities, and will be busier during this period than other moments of the year.
Would you like to sign up for a committee, or maybe even more than one? Let us know by sending an email to! If you have any questions regarding the roles within a committee, you can send an e-mail to

Are you in a committee and do you want to declare something? Make sure you keep your receipt, and fill out this form.

AcademiCie (Academic Committee)

This committee is dedicated to organising all kinds of activities related to culture and study, such as interesting lectures, visits to museums and workshops. If you are interested in giving a lecture about a topic you’re interested in, you can fill in this form.

Committee members 2024-2025:

AcCie (Activity Committee)

The AcCie organises many different and fun activities throughout the whole year, varying from group funsies to Christmas celebrations to the annual TWeekend.

Committee members 2024-2025:

Chair: Klára Vydrová
Member: Amy Lagerweij
Member: Sjors Neijens
Member: Vera Scheffer
Board Member: Matea Haverlík

ConferenCie (Conference Committee)

Every year, the ConferenCie organises the T.W.I.S.T. Linguistics Conference. They make sure speakers from the Netherlands – but also from other countries – provide interesting lectures about all kinds of linguistic aspects.

Committee members 2024-2025:

Chair: Dmitry Zhemerov
Member: Ainsley Graham
Member: Katharina Eder
Member: Giorgia Zantei
Jolan Douwes
Thijs de Groot
Board Member:
Pati Tatar

FeesCie (Party Committee)

The FeesCie will be organising parties; parties organised by only T.W.I.S.T., but also parties organised in collaboration with other (study) associations. Besides parties, additional borrels and Dies activities will be also organised by this committee.

Committee members 2024-2025:

Chair: Amy Lagerweij
Member: Patrick Crowe
Board Member: Pati Tatar

InterCom (Internationalisation Committee)

The InterCom helps share international (non-Dutch, in this case) cultures with our association. To achieve this, they organize activities for celebrations from other cultures, and sometimes potlucks.

Committee members 2024-2025:

Chair: Horea-Ștefan Marinescu
Member: Elena Alonso González
Member: Thijs de Groot
Board Member: Sytze Krom

IntroduCie (Introduction Committee)

This committee generally focuses on first years, bother from the MA and BA programs. They organize fun or study-related activities specifically for first years to help them get to know each other, the city, and their study programs.

Committee members 2024:

Chair: Tjally Bakker
Member: Emile Hertog
Member: Vera Scheffer
Member: Klára Vydrová
Board Member: Štefan Henri Števík


This committee is responsible for activities related to Dutch culture. Activities they organize include language classes and Dutch holiday celebrations. Currently in hibernation.

Committee members 2024-2025:


PromoCie (Merchandise and symbolism Committee)

The PromoCie designs and produces the association’s merch (TWerch). Currently in hibernation.

Committee members 2024-2025:


RedacCie (Magazine Committee)

This committee is responsible for the quarterly magazine of our association, the TWISTER. Of course, a magazine does not write itself! The committee members write articles, create linguistic puzzles and take care of the lay-out and distribution of the magazine. If you’d like to write something for the TWISTER, you can find all the information you need in their FAQ.

Committee members 2024-2025:

Chair: Thijs de Groot
Member: Andrei Stancu
Member: Dmitry Zhemerov
Member: Eda Yanik
Member: Elena Lago
Member: Kiki Dekker
Member: Kowsar Amiri
Member: Patrick Crowe
Member: Tijmen de Baaij
Member: Tijn Moerkerken
Board Member: Zoë Klunder

VakanCie (Holiday Committee)

This committee is dedicated to organising two amazing holidays abroad every year. We step outside the Netherlands for an intriguing quest for culture and language. The VakanCie organizes the entire trip, from the very first destination brainstorming to the accomodation, flights, and fun activities!

Committee members 2024:

Member: Kowsar Amiri
Member: Emile Hertog
Member: Horea-Ștefan Marinescu
Member: Klára Vydrová
Member: Tijn Moerkerken
Board Member: Štefan Henri Števík