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Welkom bij Studievereniging T.W.I.S.T.!

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Wat is T.W.I.S.T.?

T.W.I.S.T. is de studievereniging van taalwetenschap te Leiden. Al ruim twintig jaar organiseren we activiteiten voor onze leden die niet alleen hun studie verbreden maar het ook mogelijk maken om medestudenten beter te leren kennen. Jaarlijkse evenementen zijn de VakanCie-buitenlandreis, het T.W.I.S.T. Student Conference en het Talengala. Daarnaast organiseren we lezingen, filmavonden, spelletjesavonden, borrels en nog veel meer! Uiteraard doen we dat niet allemaal zelf: we worden geholpen door de fantastische leden die in onze commissies zitten.

Een lidmaatschap bij T.W.I.S.T. geeft je de mogelijkheid om je medestudenten te leren kennen, maar ook veel anderen die geïnteresseerd zijn in taal. Je ontvangt vier keer per jaar ons verenigingsblad (de TWISTER) en kunt deelnemen aan alle activiteiten die het bestuur en de commissies organiseren. Je mag ook stemmen bij de Algemene Ledenvergadering en zelf lid worden van een commissie. Als lid van T.W.I.S.T. zul je vooral veel vrienden maken en gewoon een hele leuke tijd hebben!

Lid worden

Wil je lid worden? Klik hier om naar de aanmeldpagina te gaan!

Aankomende activiteiten

Om helemaal up-to-date te blijven bij alle activiteiten van T.W.I.S.T., kun je de Facebook groep, Whatsapp groepchats joinen, of kijken naar de Google Calendar hier beneden!

Wil je de agenda van T.W.I.S.T. altijd bij je hebben? Voeg ons toe aan je Google Calendar!

  • TWea o’ clock

    vr 22 nov 2024  15:00 - 17:00

    Huizinga - 0.19a, Johan Huizinga-0-19a-T.W.I.S.T. boardroom (10)


    Come join us in the T.W.I.S.T. boardroom for a cup of tea and cookies, or if it's more to your taste, perhaps some juice instead. This is a chill time to get to know your fellow members or talk to the present and future boards about whatever's weighing on your heart.

    This semester they will take place 15:00-17:00 most Fridays, in our new boardroom (Huzinga 0.19a)!

  • Pre-GA dinner

    di 26 nov 2024  18:00 - 19:00


    A GA can only mean one thing: pre-GA dinner! This time, tasty pizzas are on the menu 🍕. To make sure you can attend the GA without going hungry, you can sign up to get a pizza of your own to eat together with everyone else on the 26th of November 18:00 before the GA. Pizzas cost €6 a piece. Signing up can be done with this form.

  • KasCo switch GA

    di 26 nov 2024  19:00 - 22:00

    Lipsius 2.11


    The KasCo is the committee that guards over T.W.I.S.T.’s finances, making sure our treasurer does his job correctly and doesn’t wire all of T.W.I.S.T.’s budget over to a widowed Nigerian prince. However, to be able to properly do their job, they (as well as retroactively several previous KasCos) need to be voted in. Additionally, any policy changes, proposed either by the board or other members, will be voted on to officially become part of the T.W.I.S.T. IR. Please come to have your voice heard!

  • Japanese Language Lecture by Tanuki

    do 28 nov 2024  17:00 - 19:00

    Lipsius - 2.05


    Join us for a lecture on the Japanese Language and Script by the Japanese Studies association.

  • TWea o’ clock

    vr 29 nov 2024  15:00 - 17:00

    Huizinga - 0.19a, Johan Huizinga-0-19a-T.W.I.S.T. boardroom (10)


    Come join us in the T.W.I.S.T. boardroom for a cup of tea and cookies, or if it's more to your taste, perhaps some juice instead. This is a chill time to get to know your fellow members or talk to the present and future boards about whatever's weighing on your heart.

    This semester they will take place 15:00-17:00 most Fridays, in our new boardroom (Huzinga 0.19a)!

  • Dutch lecture

    ma 2 dec 2024  19:00 - 21:00

    Lipsius - 0.01

  • SinTWerklaas

    do 5 dec 2024  19:00 - 22:00

    Lipsius - 1.21


    It’s getting dark at 5 p.m.; you’re already turning on the heater. It’s about time we deserved a little gift🥰On the Th. 5th of Dec. evening in Lipsius 1.21, NeerlandiCie will be organizing a Dutch and T.W.I.S.T. classic: SinTWerklaas Secret Santa. You’ll be randomly matched to another participant for whom you’ll get gifts of € 15.00 max. Wrap them in a fun surprise [səpʁiːzə] and maybe write a poem. Everyone is happy during SinTWerklaas🙌🙌!! NeerlandiCie will take care of good vibes, as we will also organize something else during the evening and bring Sinterklaas sweets🍪 So stay tuned for that!!

    To participate in Secret Santa, sign up with the link before November 17th.

  • TWea o’ clock

    vr 6 dec 2024  15:00 - 17:00

    Huizinga - 0.19a, Johan Huizinga-0-19a-T.W.I.S.T. boardroom (10)


    Come join us in the T.W.I.S.T. boardroom for a cup of tea and cookies, or if it's more to your taste, perhaps some juice instead. This is a chill time to get to know your fellow members or talk to the present and future boards about whatever's weighing on your heart.

    This semester they will take place 15:00-17:00 most Fridays, in our new boardroom (Huzinga 0.19a)!

  • Winter Potluck

    ma 9 dec 2024  18:00 - 22:00

    Lipsius - 0.01


    Winter Potluck
    Do you feel like a squirrel longing for food to survive the harsh winter days? Then come to the InterCom Winter Potluck on Tuesday, December 10th! Starting at 18:00, our hole in Lipsius - 0.01 will serve you and your hungry T.W.I.S.T. fellows appetizers, main courses, desserts, sweets and (non-alcoholic) drinks - everything your little stomach desires  – hopefully from all over the world! Of course, you will also bring something to the table – a dish that’s very close to you. Thus, we can tackle the winter packed with energy!! InterCom will provide plates, cups and cutlery.

    To ensure every dietary preference is served, please fill in this form. We hope to see all fluffy tails there!

  • TWea o’ clock

    vr 13 dec 2024  15:00 - 17:00

    Huizinga - 0.19a, Johan Huizinga-0-19a-T.W.I.S.T. boardroom (10)


    Come join us in the T.W.I.S.T. boardroom for a cup of tea and cookies, or if it's more to your taste, perhaps some juice instead. This is a chill time to get to know your fellow members or talk to the present and future boards about whatever's weighing on your heart.

    This semester they will take place 15:00-17:00 most Fridays, in our new boardroom (Huzinga 0.19a)!

  • TWea o’ clock

    vr 20 dec 2024  15:00 - 17:00

    Huizinga - 0.19a, Johan Huizinga-0-19a-T.W.I.S.T. boardroom (10)


    Come join us in the T.W.I.S.T. boardroom for a cup of tea and cookies, or if it's more to your taste, perhaps some juice instead. This is a chill time to get to know your fellow members or talk to the present and future boards about whatever's weighing on your heart.

    This semester they will take place 15:00-17:00 most Fridays, in our new boardroom (Huzinga 0.19a)!