Wat is T.W.I.S.T.?
T.W.I.S.T. is de studievereniging van taalwetenschap te Leiden. Al ruim twintig jaar organiseren we activiteiten voor onze leden die niet alleen hun studie verbreden maar het ook mogelijk maken om medestudenten beter te leren kennen. Jaarlijkse evenementen zijn de VakanCie-buitenlandreis, het T.W.I.S.T. Student Conference en het Talengala. Daarnaast organiseren we lezingen, filmavonden, spelletjesavonden, borrels en nog veel meer! Uiteraard doen we dat niet allemaal zelf: we worden geholpen door de fantastische leden die in onze commissies zitten.
Een lidmaatschap bij T.W.I.S.T. geeft je de mogelijkheid om je medestudenten te leren kennen, maar ook veel anderen die geĂŻnteresseerd zijn in taal. Je ontvangt vier keer per jaar ons verenigingsblad (de TWISTER) en kunt deelnemen aan alle activiteiten die het bestuur en de commissies organiseren. Je mag ook stemmen bij de Algemene Ledenvergadering en zelf lid worden van een commissie. Als lid van T.W.I.S.T. zul je vooral veel vrienden maken en gewoon een hele leuke tijd hebben!
Lid worden
Wil je lid worden? Klik hier om naar de aanmeldpagina te gaan!
Doe mee!
Ben je al lid? Wil je iets toevoegen aan onze vereniging? Neem deel aan een commissie of werkgroep, geef een studentenlezing over een onderwerp waar je veel van weet, schrijf een artikel voor de TWISTER of stel een activiteit voor!
Aankomende activiteiten
Om helemaal up-to-date te blijven bij alle activiteiten van T.W.I.S.T., kun je de Facebook groep, Whatsapp groepchats joinen, of kijken naar de Google Calendar hier beneden!
Wil je de agenda van T.W.I.S.T. altijd bij je hebben? Voeg ons toe aan je Google Calendar!
Africa movie night
wo 12 feb 2025 20:00 - 22:00
Lipsius - 0.01
Hello T.W.I.S.T.!
Our most buzzing Africa TWub is inviting you to a movie night on February 12, at 20:00.
We are watching the Nigerian production Agadez, the Music and the Rebellion (2010), featuring the world-famous Tuareg artist Bombino. Come enjoy with us the magnificent Sahara landscapes, Tuareg culture, desert rock and blues, and of course many camels đ
Speed dating with various associations
do 13 feb 2025 20:00 - 22:00
Lipsius - 2.27, 2.28
Love is in the air... It's almost Valentine's after all! As such, we and several other associations have created a special speed dating event for you to get to know some new people, either with romantic or platonic interest! The event will be held on the 13th of February (not the 14th as previously communicated) at 20:00 in Lipsius 2.27 & 2.28!
(Take a look at the dress code in the promo-picture to signal to others what you're looking for)
You can sign up using the link below. See you there!
TWea oâ clock
vr 14 feb 2025 15:00 - 17:00
Huizinga - 0.19a, Johan Huizinga-0-19a-T.W.I.S.T. boardroom (10)
Come join us in the T.W.I.S.T. boardroom for a cup of tea and cookies, or if it's more to your taste, perhaps some juice instead. This is a chill time to get to know your fellow members or talk to the present and future boards about whatever's weighing on your heart.
This semester they will take place 15:00-17:00 most Fridays, in our new boardroom (Huzinga 0.19a)!
Sophia Aeterna et al. book market
ma 17 feb 2025 13:00 - 17:00
It's a feeling well known to many students: the magnetic pull of old books and manuscripts. Alas, as mere students, the steep price of such academic tomes is often much too high. Luckily, T.W.I.S.T. is here to help you out! Together with several other associations we will sell our collection of books for cheap in the Lipsius basement. Happening on Monday 17th of February from 13:00 to 17:00! See you there!
Monthly Borrel
di 18 feb 2025 20:00 - 22:00
Café l'Espérance, Kaiserstraat 1, 2311 GN Leiden, Netherlands
A new semester calls for celebration! As we inch away from the depths of winter back towards its peripheries, we will have drinks together to mark this new start at our Monthly Borrel on February 18 20:00 at CafĂ© L'EspĂ©rance. We hope youâll join us! đ
Committee Interest Market
do 20 feb 2025 17:15 - 19:00
Lipsius - 1.21
On February 20th 17:15 - 19:00 in Lipsius 1.21, we will hold another committee market! Since two of our committees (VakanCie and IntroducCie) switch their members in the middle of the academic year, we will be looking for new members to fill them. Some other committees will also be present, since they are looking for new members to help them out.
Committees are what lets us have as many events as we do! If you enjoy what T.W.I.S.T. does, we would really appreciate it if you joined a committee. The workload is usually only around 1 hour per week* (if that), but the quality of the resulting events speaks for itself.
TWea oâ clock
vr 21 feb 2025 15:00 - 17:00
Huizinga - 0.19a, Johan Huizinga-0-19a-T.W.I.S.T. boardroom (10)
Come join us in the T.W.I.S.T. boardroom for a cup of tea and cookies, or if it's more to your taste, perhaps some juice instead. This is a chill time to get to know your fellow members or talk to the present and future boards about whatever's weighing on your heart.
This semester they will take place 15:00-17:00 most Fridays, in our new boardroom (Huzinga 0.19a)!
Pre-GA Dinner
di 25 feb 2025 18:00 - 18:45
Lipsius Cafeteria
Join us for the pre-Interim GA dinner! With some wonderful Chinese-Indonesian food from Woo Ping! Dine on some tasty stir fried vegetables, delicious satay chicken or amazing bami. T.W.I.S.T. will provide you with plates, cutlery and this wonderful dinner for only âŹ9 from 18:00 on the 25th of February in the Lipsius Cafeteria! Sign up with this link: https://forms.gle/9X8KTy8EPTrwzBPR9
Interim General Assembly
di 25 feb 2025 19:00 - 22:00
Lipsius - 2.12
Itâs already halfway through the year! You wanna know how I know that? Itâs because the Interim GA is about to happen! Join us on February 25 starting at 19:00 in __ to go over everything that T.W.I.S.T. has done in the last 5 months.
Hey, you!
Ever wanted to fix T.W.I.S.T.âs internal regulations or privacy policy? Then send Pati (+40756755755 or voorzitter@studieverenigingtwist.nl) your desired changes so they can be discussed at the Interim GA. You have until Thursday, Feb 6.
Student Lecture
wo 26 feb 2025 19:15 - 21:00
Lipsius - 1.20
Do you want to learn more from fellow students? Then join us for our first student lecture! Where Joseph will go into the Phonology of Yorkshire English! Dive into the underlying representation of sesquisyllables in English. T.W.I.S.T. will provide snacks and drinks while you listen on the 26th of February from 19:15-21:00!
TWea oâ clock
vr 28 feb 2025 15:00 - 17:00
Huizinga - 0.19a, Johan Huizinga-0-19a-T.W.I.S.T. boardroom (10)
Come join us in the T.W.I.S.T. boardroom for a cup of tea and cookies, or if it's more to your taste, perhaps some juice instead. This is a chill time to get to know your fellow members or talk to the present and future boards about whatever's weighing on your heart.
This semester they will take place 15:00-17:00 most Fridays, in our new boardroom (Huzinga 0.19a)!
TWea oâ clock
vr 7 mrt 2025 15:00 - 17:00
Huizinga - 0.19a, Johan Huizinga-0-19a-T.W.I.S.T. boardroom (10)
Come join us in the T.W.I.S.T. boardroom for a cup of tea and cookies, or if it's more to your taste, perhaps some juice instead. This is a chill time to get to know your fellow members or talk to the present and future boards about whatever's weighing on your heart.
This semester they will take place 15:00-17:00 most Fridays, in our new boardroom (Huzinga 0.19a)!